
Overview of Multi-hop Transfers

Learn about how ICTT supports multi-hop transfers between spoke chains.

The token bridge also supports "multi-hop" transfers, where tokens can be transferred between remote chains via the home chain. To illustrate, consider two remotes Ra and Rb that are both connected to the same home H. A multi-hop transfer from Ra to Rb first gets routed from Ra to H, where the remote balances are updated, and then H automatically routes the transfer on to Rb.

In this example, our Ra chain is myblockchain, our Rb chain is myblockchain2, and H chain is the Avalanche C-Chain.

What we will do

  1. Deploy a new local blockchain myblockchain2
  2. Deploy a new ERC20TokenRemote contract to myblockchain2
  3. Register the new ERC20TokenRemote contract with the TokenHome contract on the Avalanche C-Chain
  4. Perform a multi-hop transfer of TOK from myblockchain to myblockchain2, with a 'hop' through the Avalanche C-Chain

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